Local Family Fun Deals: Attractions, Shows & More!  

Winter is here! Well, for this week anyway! This weeks updates!

By Krystal Brashear December 1, 2020

Happy Tuesday! It’s DECEMBER, our tree is UP, our house is decorated, and it ACTUALLY feels like winter this week! 

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and are still getting into the holiday season despite the changes and challenges this year has brought! 

Things to look forward to coming up! :

Mims Christmas Parade and BBQ :THIS Saturday December 5th from 10 AM EST – 2 PM EST. More information can be found here.

Snow Days On The Space Coast : a 2 day Christmas Festival at Sand Point Park Saturday December 19th through Sunday December 20th 2020. More information can be found here. 

Winter Break Gym Time Clinics at Galactic Gymnastics! Dec 21st-Dec 23rd and Dec 28th-Dec 30th! More information can be found here. 

And many more on our events calendar, with more to come! Let them know you saw it on Macaroni Kid North Brevard!



                                                                   I love to hear from you!  

Please remember the entire purpose of this site is for you the subscribers!  I always welcome any feedback and/or suggestions! If there is something you would like to see more articles on, let me know! More of certain types of events? I’ll find them! Always feel free to reach out, I feel very passionate about my role as your publisher and will always work hard to serve this community! 


                                                              Birthday Club       

 Sign your little ones up for our FREE BIRTHDAY CLUB! Birthday boy or girl will receive a personalized birthday email from Macaroni Kid North Brevard, and a shout out to them on our weekly birthday list AND Macaroni live, please send me an email with the child's first name (last names will not be published for safety!) and how old they are turning! 


                                                                        Local Parent Guest Author Spotlight      

Do you love to write? Is there a subject you feel passionate about and would you love to share your article with parents in your community!  We will be spotlighting one of our local parents articles on our page each month, displayed on our page for the entirety of the month! To submit an article for your chance to be spotlighted,or for more information please email KrystalB@macaronikid.com , if selected you will receive a short “About me” questionnaire and a request for a photo you'd like us to use for your article. Please note, only family friendly articles will be accepted.  I’m so excited to read all of the submissions and see who our first local parent feature will be!! 


                                                                                             Join us on Facebook!   

Come see us on Facebook for Macaroni live, visits with our sponsors, local information, and some fun!  


                                                                                           Thank you to our sponsors!       

We would like to send out a special thank you to our sponsors, Sarah's School of Dance, and Galactic Gymnastics! Their sponsorships help bring you the best events and articles every week! If you are interested in Dance or Gymnastic lessons for your child, please go check out the amazing and affordable classes they have to offer, and let them know Macaroni Kid North Brevard sent you! 

If you have a local business and would like to become a sponsor for Macaroni Kid North Brevard, please email krystalb@macaronikid.com for more information! 


I hope you all have a great week!

