

By January 4, 2018

The COLD is here but MOMMY i'm Bored... Check out this amazing website for more ideas. 

Contact Paper Collages
Tape a square of clear contact paper to the window (sticky side facing you). Invite your child to practice patterns or create scenes with craft buttons, clear tiles,  pom poms, and anything else that will stick. My children love this activity!

Magnets simply fascinate my children. Magformers are awesome and hold my boys’ attention for quite a while!

Get Arty
Break out the craft supplies! Try painting with ice, stamping fingerprint comics, creating a cheerful suncatcher, or making homemade fingerpaints.

Make Slime
I have zillions of awesome slime and sensory play recipes pinned HERE. Check them out!

Homemade Playdough
Click HERE for creative homemade playdough ideas—perfect for cold weather! For added fun, invite your child to engineer with straws and playdough!

Sensory Bins
Sensory bins are containers filled with objects that children can feel and interact with. We have a sticky sand bin, a rice and beans bin, a bird seed bin, and a kinetic sand bin that are rotated on a weekly basis. Mini construction vehicles, marble run pieces, ice-cream scoops, funnels, and measuring cups are just a few of the “accessories” that keep the bins fresh and exciting.

Manipulatives kids can count and play with, like plastic links, keep little hands and minds occupied.

Play Outside
Kids get stir crazy! If the weather is cold, bundle them up and send them out! They may enjoy sledding, blowing frozen bubbles, or going on a winter nature hike!