
Local group to host school shoe distribution 7/9 for Brevard students!

By Krystal Brashear March 18, 2022

It all started in 2019 when founder Annette Sirmans had a mission laid on her heart. Remembering being a child herself, and being embarrassed to be starting school without a new pair of shoes, and hearing about the struggle even in her own community, Annette wanted to help! That year with help from donations Brevard Shoes for School provided 50 pairs of shoes to families at Genesis house. The following year in 2020, despite the covid 19 pandemic, she vowed to go bigger, and they did! With an army of donors, volunteers, and Down the road thrift in Cocoa partnering and providing a venue to hold the distribution by opening their own doors to host, Brevard shoes for school was able to provide over 500 pairs of shoes to children in need in Brevard county. Last year Temple Baptist church volunteered use of their dining hall, and again Brevard shoes for school was able to hand out over 500 pairs of shoes to Brevard children! 

  This year they expect to be their biggest event and hope to help even more! The summer time is their busiest time of year, while everyone is enjoying summer vacation, they are tirelessly collecting and planning for the distribution event before school is back in session! This year's event will be held on Saturday July 9th . From 10-2p.m. They would like to thank Indian River United Methodist for generously offering use of their facility for this year's event! Shoes will be distributed for free on a first come first serve basis while supplies last, with one pair of shoes being given to each child. They are collecting both monetary donations and donations of new shoes through May 27th if you or your company would like to help. Receipts for donations can be provided to you for tax purposes. 

If you would like more information please follow their facebook page at or contact them by email at